“At the point when students move on from school, their entrance into the world ought to be smooth to the point that not a ripple should mar their progress from adolescence to adulthood. It ought to be impactful to the point that it touches the lives of all those around them. And, it ought to be so unique that it stays carved in the minds and hearts of the individuals who were touched upon by them.”

This is the dream that we at MHS World School have for our students. We need to set them up, so they can confront toughest of challenges with a smile and acknowledge highest of the accomplishments with humility. We need them to be known as honourable players and not only winners, as wise and not only savvy, as understanding and not just knowledgeable, as kind and empathetic and not simply friendly

Life at the MHS World School is an energizing voyage which starts when children enter its portals and venture into the intricate space of the enlightening educationists. Alongside dominance of the different zones of academics, we urge them to appreciate and exceed expectations in extra-curricular activities. They are guided to understand the intricacies of governance by organizing events and donning the mantle of student leadership. They are educated to be autonomous in thoughts, yet to act inside the structure of propriety and regard for other people.

We applaud those high achievers who bring fame to this temple of education we call MHS World School with their accomplishments in both academic and non-academic arenas. Yet, it is those students who embodies the values of benevolence, tolerance, trustworthiness and integrity who are remembered fondly after they have left school and who leave a permanent engraving in the records of the historical annals of the school for they have picked an undeniably strenuous path to pursue; one of self-control, which is loaded with standards a customary individual may discover hard to pursue.

It is important that the graduated class of MHS World School progresses towards becoming pioneers in their chosen fields. However, it is also important is that they become great individuals who are respected by their peers for their outlook towards the humanity at large.

With Best Wishes !
MHS World School Management & Mentorship Committee